Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) are a widely used, proven emissions control product used on many types of diesel equipment operating in some of the harshest environments.
As a DPF collects Particulate Matter (PM), the passage of exhaust gas through the pores of the filter element may be progressively blocked, causing an increase in exhaust backpressure. Collected PM is combusted and reduced to ash during filter regeneration, effectively unblocking the pores of the filter element and decreasing exhaust backpressure.
Normal filter operation will include fluctuations in exhaust backpressure; however, over time the accumulation of ash will gradually continue to increase backpressure. Long term buildup of ash is remedied by periodic filter cleaning.
DPF Cleaning is a restorative process that regenerates and cleans the DPF, extending the serviceable life considerably.
More serviceable life is achievable with professional cleaning.